Politics or Investments: It About the Right Choice

Hispanic girl playing chess

Election season is on and political war at its peak. Political parties are trying to woo voters in their own way. We are really confused – whether to choose Congress or BJP or AAP and then there are regional parties as well. Whatever be the outcome, we want a government which can take decisions that work well in the interest of our country. Politics have a lot do with investments as one wrong decision can have a huge impact on our financial well-being.

Here we will try to understand how investments strategies are related to politics. These are our personal views on political parties.

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Cost of Parenting – A Must Read for Parents

Cost of Parenting

Parenting is a fantastic experience but to many parents it is a big financial worry as well. The Indian government may publish inflation at 5-6% but when it comes to expenses on kids, the actual figures are actually in multiples of the published inflation data. In reality, what we as a student used to spend the whole year on our education is what is been spent on kids today for a month. From food to clothing, from education to entertainment, from school to college, parenting involves more than just love and affection and that can only be done by huge financial outlays. Continue reading “Cost of Parenting – A Must Read for Parents”

Fundamental vs. Technical Analysis – Which one should you follow ?

Fundamental Vs Technical Analysis Which is Better

In the world of finance, two terms are often used – Fundamental Analysis and Technical Analysis. These terms are used in making investment decisions and tons of material has been published on both the ways.In this article,we will try and understand what is the difference between these strategies and which one is better.

 Fundamental Analysis involves analyzing the intrinsic value of the stock. It takes into account the overall economy, industry condition, strength of the business and various other things.

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Start Early to Retire Rich


Plan for your retirement ahead of time to choose the life you want live during your gold years……Retirement is a beginning and not an end!!!! Now-a-days if we get a blessing from an elder – “jug-jug jiyo”, many often say “aashirwad dena ho toh yeh do ki sada khush raho, jyada ji ke kya karna hai”.

Can you imagine yourself living till the age of 100? This statement has two emotions – joy of living long and sadness of living too long. Yes, believe it or not, one of the biggest risks in our lives is going to be “risk of living too long”.

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