Should you take decisions on Media Expert’s advice


Do you think that media experts play a very crucial role in your investing success? Do you take decisions based on what gets published or is being talked about? But that’s not true! Let me explain you why is it not good for your financial health to listen all media advice that comes you way.

Let me take you through the very recent journey of a stock that touched the skies and how people reacted to it. The graph below depicts the price movement of a stock named Indo Count over a period of 15 years. Continue reading “Should you take decisions on Media Expert’s advice”

Money lessons from the icons of hollywood

Wall StreetVery well quoted by Michael Douglas in this movie. Often it’s been asked why do I save when I can buy – what I want – when I want. What people ignore is the hard fact that “we would need money till the time we live on this earth”. Managing today without thinking about tomorrow may put you in jeopardy. No one will pay for you. Continue reading “Money lessons from the icons of hollywood”