How are you planning for your retirement fund?


Senior CoupleThe average life span of Indians has increased considerably thanks to good health care and improved living conditions. It may sound like the ideal thing but it also means that they have long twilight years and possibly more than a decade or two where they will not be earning a living due to age and health. So it is but natural that unlike the previous generations, the current generations are more aware of the need to plan for their retirement years. They no longer consider their children as their retirement fund but instead prefer to plan and create enough funds to be able to have a good life long after retirement. Unfortunately most make a few basic mistakes which could lead to disastrous results. Continue reading “How are you planning for your retirement fund?”

Do you trust your financial advisor?

Trust (1)You trust them with your money and hope that he will help you make the right financial decisions. What happens when you don’t trust your financial consultant? When you keep looking over their shoulder? When you are in doubt about the decisions they take for you? When you second guess every step of the way? In such a scenario is it really fruitful to have a relationship with your chosen advisor? Continue reading “Do you trust your financial advisor?”