Does it feel like you are running out of money despite a high earning package? Well, you deserve to live a better lifestyle if you are earning good, don’t you? Do you feel trapped in a life living paycheck to paycheck? It is great that you can pay your bills, but what about building wealth? Continue reading “WHERE’S ALL MY MONEY GOING?”
Month: September 2018
4 Reasons : Why you should not delay investing your money
Money in the hands during the youth is the greatest feeling of them all. However, not many people realize that their money today can be their riches tomorrow. Becoming wealthy/ financially free is a journey and investments are the highways to it. If those investments are delayed, our dreams of unimaginable wealth will take too long to come true. Let’s take a look at that happens when our money is spent unwisely and we delay investing it. Continue reading “4 Reasons : Why you should not delay investing your money”
A special occasion calls for a special cheer!
Our Founder Mr. Ashish Modani was invited to be a member of the panel of experts at the SIP Day, a joint initiative by Kotak Mutual Funds and ET NOW.
Exciting as it was, we did what we do best:
Ashish educated investors & the common man on the benefits of investing in SIP’s and achieving financial independence. A session on the breakdown of myths, & the incredible power of compounding kept the audience interested. Not to forget the advantages of long-term investments was definitely the crowd favorite.
Read the full coverage on Page 11, Economic Times (13 Sept) Continue reading “A special occasion calls for a special cheer!”
It’s 2018, but are you financially Literate?
“Finance’’ is a really tricky word. You’ll love it when your salary gets credited and hate it when your payments get debited. Yes! We know how you feel. Totally stressed, extremely exhausted, absolutely tired of being trapped in this vicious cycle of never ending payments and not having enough savings which requires you to keep on working more and more to fulfill your needs and wants. Continue reading “It’s 2018, but are you financially Literate?”
Doesn’t a Financial Advisor remind you of teachers?
Financial advisor’s is a very versatile profession. They often assume the role of a friend, a mentor and sometimes even a teacher! Sharing their knowledge, scaffolding us, know our inner flaws and constantly finding ways to help us improve. Let us show you how your financial advisor has been a teacher in disguise, helping you to become a financially responsible adult! Continue reading “Doesn’t a Financial Advisor remind you of teachers?”