It’s 2018, but are you financially Literate?

“Finance’’ is a really tricky word. You’ll love it when your salary gets credited and hate it when your payments get debited. Yes! We know how you feel. Totally stressed, extremely exhausted, absolutely tired of being trapped in this vicious cycle of never ending payments and not having enough savings which requires you to keep on working more and more to fulfill your needs and wants. Continue reading “It’s 2018, but are you financially Literate?”

Do You Wish To Be Financially Free?

Freedom, to quote Rabindranath Tagore, is that state “Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high.” As we just celebrated the 72nd Independence Day of our country, let’s pay attention to the how can you attain financial freedom or in other words be financially free. But before we delve into it let’s understand what financial freedom is. Continue reading “Do You Wish To Be Financially Free?”

5 Financial Lessons To Learn From The World Of Football

Once again, the world is under the grip of the football fever. The once-in-four-years football extravaganza has the entire globe focusing its attention on a globular object – the football. Undeniably the most awaited sports event, FIFA Football World cup is not just about football. It offers plenty of lessons – of endurance, patience, perseverance, discipline and a lot more that not only helps in being an awesome football player but also make you a good investor. Let’s take a look at five ways in which football teaches us lessons that can helps manage our finances  effectively.

Continue reading “5 Financial Lessons To Learn From The World Of Football”

Five Points To Ponder Before You Quit Your Job

Is your reason to leave your job stronger than your reason to continue in your job? If so, you have a valid reason to continue reading this. Before you take the big decision, you need to ponder over the bigger questions. Consider the following five points if you are nursing the thought of leaving your job. Continue reading “Five Points To Ponder Before You Quit Your Job”

Five Lessons From Dad You Can Use To Attain Financial Freedom!

Come June 17 and the world will celebrate Father’s Day! Of course, a day won’t suffice to bring to the fore what your dad means to you. However, looking back at what dad has taught you over the years in his inimitable style would help you pave your way to good financial health. Probably, the best way to make your dad happy on the occasion of Father’s Day is to let him know that you still adhere to what he has taught you. Here are five lessons your dad has taught you, and, which, you can use to attain financial freedom. Continue reading “Five Lessons From Dad You Can Use To Attain Financial Freedom!”