Comfort or Financial Freedom – What’s your choice

Caucasian man clinging to floating piggy bank

If I were to ask someone why do you want to invest? The most obvious answer would be to earn returns. That’s true. But if I were to recommend to invest in equity funds to do so, then people would just say “It’s risky, I want to invest in something which gives me guaranteed returns.” The reason we look for guaranteed returns is because we want to avoid pain or discomfort. The question is what you are investing for Comfort or Financial freedom?    Continue reading “Comfort or Financial Freedom – What’s your choice”

Don’t Need a Health Insurance – Do You ???

Health Insurance

No one plans to get sick or hurt but most of us need medical care at some point. Health care costs are rising astronomically and they can hit you hard if you don’t have an insurance to fight them. When you or loved ones need medical attention, there is nothing you see beyond. Be it your retirement or kid’s future or other dreams. Everything takes a back seat.  And if you have a family and parents dependent on you, then frequency of these setbacks may be more as you don’t know who would need medical attention and when.  Continue reading “Don’t Need a Health Insurance – Do You ???”

Myths and Realities about Life Insurance

We are nearing towards the end of another financial year and like any other year; everyone is on the run to save taxes. We see a lot happening around, in this JFM quarter where the motive is to save maximum tax. However, it’s an icing on the cake if it helps to plan the future as well.

One of the most preferred ways to save taxes is to buy a life insurance. No wonder, most of us have Life Insurance or even if we don’t have, we know what it is. Life Insurance is that tool which ensures that your loved ones would be taken care of even when you are not around. Continue reading “Myths and Realities about Life Insurance”

6 Things to know to have an Amazing Spending Plan

Last week we discussed on why and how spending money gives us happiness. However, the fact is that these spending habits can derail our finances and may even make us compromise on our future needs. You must be wondering “what’s the best way to control this spending urge to plan the finances well?” The answer is

“Have a Budget”

Continue reading “6 Things to know to have an Amazing Spending Plan”

Does Spending Money Makes you Happy

Spending Spree

“Live as if it’s the last day of your life” – amazing thought it is!!!! But are we taking this philosophy too seriously? Few days back I happened to come across a few youngsters who wanted to plan their finances and believe me talking to them was real fun. I asked them a simple question ‘what does money mean to them’? The answer was simple it’s a medium to buy what we need and what we want. But the shocking fact was they knew how much were they spending on their needs but had no clue of the amount being spent on wants. It’s not just with these few young people, it’s with almost everyone today. Continue reading “Does Spending Money Makes you Happy”