Mixing too many flavours can spoil the taste

Ice Cream

19th July this year was celebrated as National Ice Cream Day in United States. Former United States President Ronal Regan declared that July be called The National Ice Cream Month in 1984. Since then 3rd Sunday of July is celebrated as National Ice Cream Day in many parts of the world. This day is a treat for ice cream lovers and makers alike. On every ice cream day ice cream stores and factories throughout the United States come up with all sorts of unique recipes of ice creams. People also celebrate this day at their homes either by buying these unique ice cream flavours or by making them at home. And the sole purpose of creating one-of-a-kind ice cream is to eat it.    Continue reading “Mixing too many flavours can spoil the taste”

Here Begins the Sale Season

Sale & Shopping

After the scorching heat, it’s time for the rain showers to give us a sigh of relief. However it’s not just the rain showers that makes this season special but it’s the raining discounts that makes it all the more special. It’s time when the markets are flooded with discounts on any and everything you buy which may range from household stuff to clothes to shoes to electrical appliances or otherwise. It not just the shopping malls or local bazaars that offer discounts, it’s even the virtual market aka e-commerce sites which are flooded with discounts. Continue reading “Here Begins the Sale Season”

Common Mistakes People make in their 30’s

People in 30's30’s are typically a time for settling down after the 20’s where the young and fun loving couples have taken enough of risks and found what they are really passionate for. Many people are busy raising their families or climbing up the ladders of success in their careers. These are typically the make or break years in people’s lives even when it concerns their finances. Due to lack of knowledge and laxity people often land up making mistakes, the brunt of which is felt in their 50’s and not now. Continue reading “Common Mistakes People make in their 30’s”

Don’t let your kids dreams be just dreams

Kids Dreams


As your young ones would grow older, they’ll be asked many a times about what they want to be. At young age kids might say that they want to become what their dad, mom or their near or dear ones are. But it’s only when they grow up that they realize their dreams and what they actually want to be. For instance recently I was talking to one of my friend who was worried about his daughter’s higher education who aspires to be an interior designer. Like every parent he supported his daughter’s decision and wanted her daughter to go for the best option. Continue reading “Don’t let your kids dreams be just dreams”

Some Facts only Real Estate Investors Know

Real Estate

Do you have a special love for an asset class when you choose to invest your money? Do you have a major concentration of your investments in one asset class? If that is the case, can that asset class fulfill majority of your goals? Think about it! If it cannot then why are you investing in it?  Remember if your investments cannot ensure you financial freedom, then you do not justify your hard earned money and your dreams. Continue reading “Some Facts only Real Estate Investors Know”